
About Dean Wickham

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So far Dean Wickham has created 748 blog entries.

The seemingly endless Nullarbor Plain of Australia

Driving along the road at 110km per hour, I look out at the view through my windscreen. Around me there is nothing but stunted bushes and dry earth all of the way to the horizon, with not a single tree in sight. Ahead of me the straight road seems to run forever, disappearing into a [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:34:49+10:00May 20th, 2013|Adventure, Australia, Destinations, Featured, Oceania|14 Comments

Two Male Lions Watching a Black Rhino

I'm not going to say where I took this photo, but this was certainly a very special moment while on safari in Africa. We had been watching this black rhino off in the distance for some time and had then come across a pride of lions hiding in the grass further along. The lions were [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:36:08+10:00May 19th, 2013|Photos|1 Comment

Hiking and Bush Walking Safety Tips

Putting on my hiking boots, stepping out the front door and venturing into the wild; this is natural for me. There is something about bush walking that relaxes me and keeps me grounded. If I've had a stressful week, a walk in the forest almost immediately takes it all away, and I get an amazing [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:40:40+10:00May 18th, 2013|Adventure, Featured, Travel Tips|9 Comments

Dong Xuan Night Market in Hanoi, Vietnam

I've been in Vietnam for a week now and am really liking the country so far. I took this photo in Hanoi when exploring the Dong Xuan Night Market in the Old Quarter. The night market runs along the street from the Dong Xuan Market all of the way to the busy roundabout at Hoan [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:41:35+10:00May 16th, 2013|Asia, Destinations, Photos, Vietnam|2 Comments

Beaches, Bays and Sea Lions on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia

As the sun rose over the sea at Point Lowly, we packed up our camper van to hit the road again, heading south-west to continue our exploration of South Australia's Eyre Peninsula. There was hardly a cloud in the sky as we headed into Whyalla, which was no surprise since the town receives three hundred [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:42:15+10:00May 15th, 2013|Australia, Destinations, Featured, Oceania|6 Comments

Sunset at Munglinup Beach, Western Australia

I've always claimed that the best beaches in Australia are in Western Australia, but I thought that I was probably biased since it is my home state. When we camped at Munglinup Beach to the west of Esperance, however, I was certain that my claim was true. The beach is just beautiful, and on our [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:42:53+10:00May 14th, 2013|Australia, Destinations, Oceania, Photos|0 Comments

Book review: Top Walks in New South Wales

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will know all about my love of hiking and bush walking. I was contacted recently by a publisher of a new bush walking book – Top Walks in New South Wales by Ken Eastwood, and was offered a copy to review. It sounded right [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:43:34+10:00May 12th, 2013|Australia, Destinations, Oceania, Reviews|0 Comments

Must see Rome: Ruins of the Ancient Empire

Rome is a city that has always fascinated me. Starting as a meagre village, it grew to become the most important city in the world around 2000 years ago, sitting at the heart of one of the biggest empires to ever exist. From Rome, its rulers ruled an empire that covered much of Europe, the [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:44:22+10:00May 11th, 2013|Destinations, Europe, Featured, Italy, Travel Tips|3 Comments

Mud hut in a Masai Village at Lake Manyara, Tanzania

When I visited Lake Manyara in the Northern Tanzania, I had the amazing opportunity of visiting a local Masai village. The experience was wonderful as I learned about their way of life. This photo is of one of their traditional mud and straw huts with some of the locals standing next to it. These people [...]

By |2016-05-21T10:44:53+10:00May 9th, 2013|Africa, Destinations, Photos, Tanzania|6 Comments
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