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Reunited with the beauty of Vang Vieng, Laos

By |February 8th, 2014|Adventure, Asia, Destinations, Featured, Laos, Motivation|

I close my eyes and breathe in a deep breath of fresh air, and as I reopen my eyes I can't help but smile. Before me is a scene out of a National Geographic magazine. [...]

Vientiane: Exploring the Capital of Laos Through Photos

By |February 1st, 2014|Asia, Destinations, Featured, Laos, Photo Essays|

It had been nearly two years since I first stepped foot into Vientiane, Laos. Although it may now be a little busier than I remember, this sleepy little capital city hasn't really changed a lot. [...]

Backpacker’s Travel Guide to Kampong Cham, Cambodia

By |January 18th, 2014|Asia, Budget Tips, Cambodia, Destinations, Featured, Travel Guides, Travel Tips|

Kampong Cham is a sleepy little city on the Mekong River, located in Northeastern Cambodia. The city is basically the gateway to this lesser travelled area of the country, and many people just use it [...]

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