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Exploring Ben Thanh Market in Saigon, Vietnam

By |August 23rd, 2013|Asia, Destinations, Featured, Motivation, Vietnam|

Cars and motorbikes zoomed by me in every direction as I stared with my mouth open at the roundabout ahead of me. Several chaotic Saigon streets had converged into this one place, sending the already [...]

Wild Mother – Lioness and Cub Painting by Jane Delaford Taylor

By |August 19th, 2013|Africa, Tanzania|

Instead of putting up a travel photo today, I've decided to put up a photo of this amazing painting of a lioness and her cub by talented artist Jane Delaford Taylor. Titled "Wild Mother", Jane [...]

Backpacker’s Travel Guide to Nha Trang, Vietnam

By |August 16th, 2013|Asia, Budget Tips, Destinations, Featured, Travel Guides, Travel Tips, Vietnam|

Nha Trang is Vietnam's premier beach destination. Generally, I'm not all that interested in places like this, but after a couple of weeks of active travel in the country, I was glad to get some [...]

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